~ RAndomnESS + frienDs = great memories , normality + friends = boring~

Samantha McLellan

This is Sami ! I love her to DEATH! She is amazing! She is the most BOOtiful friend ever! And words can not describe her! Sami, if your're reading this I just want to say... I RUVS ROO! BOOTIFUL!

Edit: I wrote more but when I was editing, it erased the whole amazing thing I wrote about Sam! Now I have to remember what I wrote =(

Sami's Moo-Stache!

James Andrada

This is James. A friend... A VERY MEAN FRIEND! He is a jerk! He never save me a seat on the bus! I mean I always do! WELL I LOVE THIS DUDE! He is AWESOME! He use to be my best guy friend. That changed... HE WON'T LET ME INSIDE THE SEAT! AND I NEEDED TO BE INSIDE FOR A VERY VERY GOOD REASON! Stupid James. But he is still there for me! I can tell my secrets to him and he can tell me his secret! James, if you're reading this... TAKE IT OFF! and LET ME IN!!! I'M DYING!

David Matos

This is David. Well, David is a great friend. He can be annoying,weird,awkward,not cool, and other bad stuff. Just kidding! HE IS NOT AWESOME! Just kidding! He is AWESOME! He buys me chocolate all the time! That's why I love him! David, if you're reading this... BUY ME MORE CHOCOLATE!

Jessica Jones

Jessica is an AMAZING FRIEND! Words can not describe her. Because she is out of the ordinary! Jessica is pretty, smart, talented, did I say pretty? Well Jessica is into soccer...and that means... DON'T MESS WITH THE SOCCER GRRRL! Get it? I made her a shirt that says that in 6th grade... ahhh great times with Jessica!